
Argenztone is a papaveraceous genus whose species, with a single exception, are native to the Americas. One species, A. glauca, is restricted to the Hawaiiani Islands. Within the Americas there are basically two areas of dispersal, one in North Amiierica, the other in South America. The North American area of dispersal, broadly defined, extends from central Mexico to southwestern United States, tlhence eastward along the southern tier of states to Florida. There is within this large area no one geographical center in which large numbers of species are found in close contiguity. The natural distributional patterns of the Nortlh American species indicate that there was rarely, if ever, more than twro species found in close proximity in prehistorical times. This may be interpreted as evidence that the species of Argernone in North America and probably also those in South America differentiated primarily upon a geographical basis and secondarily upon an ecological one. Sterility barriers among the species examiined are often only partially formed.

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