
Neural crest cells arise from the ectoderm and are first recognizable as discrete cells in the chicken embryo when they emerge from the neural tube. Despite the classical view that neural crest precursors are a distinct population lying between epidermis and neuroepithelium, our results demonstrate that they are not a segregated population. Cell lineage analyses have demonstrated that individual precursor cells within the neural folds can give rise to epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube derivatives. Interactions between the neural plate and epidermis can generate neural crest cells, since juxtaposition of these tissues at early stages results in the formation of neural crest cells at the interface. Inductive interactions between the epidermis and neural plate can also result in "dorsalization" of the neural plate, as assayed by the expression of the Wnt transcripts characteristic of the dorsal neural tube. The competence of the neural plate changes with time, however, such that interaction of early neural plate with epidermis generates only neural crest cells, whereas interaction of slightly older neural plate with epidermis generates neural crest cells and Wnt-expressing cells. At cranial levels, neuroepithelial cells can regulate to generate neural crest cells when the endogenous neural folds are removed, probably via interaction of the remaining neural tube with the epidermis. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that: (i) progenitor cells in the neural folds are multipotent, having the ability to form multiple ectodermal derivatives, including epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube cells; (ii) the neural crest is an induced population that arises by interactions between the neural plate and the epidermis; and (iii) the competence of the neural plate to respond to inductive interactions changes as a function of embryonic age.

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