The Section of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of th e Scie ntifi c Cou ncil for Petroleum of th e Croatian Academy or Sciences and Arts has already o rgani sed scientific meetings on seve ra l occasio ns. These meetings were almost witholl t exception concerning geological -geophysical aspects of explo rati on for oil and gas as we ll as the application of spec ifi c exp loration methods. Thi s was unde rstandabl e given the socia-economic conditions present a l those times. The change in social envi ronment gave the economical aspect of ex ploration and production far g reater importance for it can significantly influcnce the final resu lt as well as knowledge on gcologic-geophysical conditions. Bccause not many in Croatia have occu pied themselves wi th such and re lated matters it was our a im to inform [he broade r profess ional publi c wi th how thi s was applied in other oil -produc ing coulltries. T he parti ci pation o f inte rnational ex perts gave thi s sympos ium an international character. Approxi mate ly two years ago, the management o f the INA-Nn fLaplin company mentioned the possi bility of orga ni s ing an advi sory mccting to discuss the economi c factors re levant to the exploration of petroleum. Both the Min istry o f Science and Technology and Minis try of Economic Affa irs showed the ir iIllerest. l NA-NafLap lin is the national oil -company of C roat ia. It covers a wide spectrum of activ it ies expected of any such oil company from basic exploration and geophys icalmeasuremenls to the drilling and production of hydrocarbons both inland and abroad. Numerous exploration s have been carried o ut in foreign count ries such as Angola, Tunisia , Albania, Egypt, Libya, and a significant ex pansion of th ese activi ties is ex pected in the future. Othe r bus iness agreement s wit h in ternational partners have been made, one example being the most recen t arrangement on gas production with the Italian company Agip. All o f these s llccess ful business re lations creatc a need fo r the Croatian petroleum economy to systemati ca ll y enhance its bonds with the world and to be connecled to the world-wide ci rculation of scientific information. Croatia is a counlry in tran sition. Not the only
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