
The article analyses the artistic specificity in the novel "The Universal Storm" by Elena Sleptsova-Kuorsunnakh, dedicated to the tragic fate of the Sakha intelligentsia. By its genre nature, this is a synthetic work that combines the features of an epic novel with a document-based family chronicle. Although the narrative in the novel is built around the Orosin clan, its distinctive feature is the depiction of a complex polyphony of individual destinies and characters that do not merge into a single mass, but give rise to real diversity. The article features the images of such historical figures as Vasily Nikiforov, Anepodist Sofronov, Platon Oyunsky, and Vera Davydova. The depiction of the real vicissitudes of their private lives not only confirms the novelistic character of the Kuorsunnakh's work, but also testifies to the presence of the features of psychological "genre generalization". In this regard, as shown in the article, the use of literary allusions and reminiscences by the author among the ways of mastering the artistic material seems to be successful.

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