
The features of functioning of information system in the society of the Second modern in conditions of military conflict are analyzed in the article. Also we tried to analyze connection of this features with characteristics of the political and economic systems of this type of society. Television continues to be the main source of information about state of affairs in Ukraine and in the world, although it’s influence is decreasing. The concentration of media ownership in the hands of financial and industrial groups, associated with political forces, is an important issue. Online media and social networks are the second among the sources of information about state of affairs in Ukraine and in the world. Their increasing influence raises the question of the power of large internet companies, who have the ability to control information flows, provide an opportunity to use the information aggregated by them for the application of specific political technologies of influence on the public sphere. These companies are out of control of the regulatory mechanisms of state institutions in most countries, which creates vulnerabilities in the public sphere of nation-states to influence from other countries and unregulated aspects of online electoral campaigns. The crisis of confidence in traditional media increases the importance of offline and online networks of social interactions as a source of information. Data in Ukraine, Europe and USA show that loss of confidence in public institutions, rise of populism directly related to the decline in confidence in traditional media. The level of trust in vaccination in different regions of the world is also analyzed in the context of the functioning of media institutions and other public institutions. Modern media (both traditional and internet) tend to mix entertaining formats with political information. Converting policy to show, spreading fakes, noticeable dependence of media on certain political and economic groups and media’s partiality, weakening of expert filters undermines confidence in traditional and new media. Although the importance of social media for the democratization of the public sphere exists. Decreasing confidence in media in general converted to the сonfidence in concrete media figures (bloggers, experts etc.). The article also contains generalization of researches of media consumption in Ukraine in first part of 2019.


  • Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей функціонування інформаційної системи у суспільстві Другого модерну в умовах воєнного конфлікту на прикладі України, а також спробі пов’язати ці особливості з характеристиками політичної та економічної підсистем цього типу суспільства

  • Television continues to be the main source of information about state of affairs in Ukraine and in the world, it’s influence is decreasing

  • Online media and social networks are the second among the sources of information about state of affairs in Ukraine and in the world. Their increasing influence raises the question of the power of large internet companies, who have the ability to control information flows, provide an opportunity to use the information aggregated by them for the application of specific political technologies of influence on the public sphere

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Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей функціонування інформаційної системи у суспільстві Другого модерну в умовах воєнного конфлікту на прикладі України, а також спробі пов’язати ці особливості з характеристиками політичної та економічної підсистем цього типу суспільства. Дослідження КМІС також подає використання джерел інформації про стан справ в Україні та світі за регіонами нашої країни. Що в умовах, коли саме на Сході України найвищим є рівень недовіри до ЗМІ, тут є найнижчим рівень використання телебачення та найвищим отримання інформації з неформальних джерел найближчого соціального оточення.

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