
This article attempts to show how public opinion about Roma was formed on the pages of the republican press in the 60s and 70s of the XX century. It is known that a set of political attitudes relevant to Soviet society was propagated through the media in the 60s and 70s. At the same time, the media, the press in particular, had certain ideological guidelines for presenting information. The content of this information was aimed not only at selective reflection of socio-cultural reality, but also at creating by means of culture an ideal image of a new person and new social relations, convenient for the political system. In the present article, we will try to show the “presence” of Roma and their problems, reflected in the republican press of Moldova in the 60s–70s of the XX century. In fact, it is about how a whole block of social problems was touch upon and solved in the periodicals, while the interests of the Roma population, living in the republic, were not considered separately. Within the framework of this study, an attempt was made to formulate a hypothesis related to the extent to which the “Roma issue”, as it is presented today all over the world, has been included in a number of national issues that need to be addressed


  • how public opinion about Roma was formed on the pages of the republican press

  • It is known that a set of political attitudes

  • relevant to Soviet society was propagated through the media in the 60s and 70s

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Altă confirmare strălucită a formării imaginii despre țigani/romi în presa moldovenească din perioada sovietică poate servi o serie de articole dedicate graficii lui Ilia Bogdesco, care pictează țiganii lui A. Presa republicană a scris deseori despre așa-numiții „descendenți ai lăutarilor”, muzicieni amatori din mediul rural care au moștenit meșteșugul muzical de la strămoși și, de fapt, continuă tradițiile lăutarilor, familiarizând cititorul cu istoria vieții lor (Bazatin 1971; Dumitraş 1972; Budeanu 1979).

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