
YSiAlON glasses have been produced using a cation ratio of Y:Si:Al=3.5:3.38:2 with a nitrogen content of 17 e / o and Y:Si:Al=3.45:3:2 with varying nitrogen contents (N=8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 e / o ). Crystal phase formation occurred after heat treatment of the glasses under nitrogen atmosphere for 10 hours in the temperature range 1050-1150°C. Glass-ceramics were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and certain mechanical properties measured. Depending upon heat treatment temperature and/or nitrogen content, either a single crystalline phase glass-ceramic or a multi-phase glass-ceramic containing B and I w was produced. Low nitrogen contents (8 e / o N) favour the crystallisation of I w -phase over B-phase, whereas B-phase is formed more readily for higher nitrogen contents (17 e / o N).

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