
The floating potential (ie the potential assumed by a probe when the net current collected by it is zero) of a spherical electrostatic (Langmuir) probe in a collision-dominated plasma is investigated. The plasma is considered to be either static or flowing at subsonic velocities. The experimentally realistic situation is also considered where the probe is cold compared with the bulk plasma. The two extreme probe temperature conditions are discussed: that in which the electrons remain at their uncooled temperature, characteristic of the bulk plasma; and that in which they cool to the temperature of the neutrals near the probe. It is concluded that only in the case when the electrons cool and the sheath is thin does the floating potential vary appreciably from its value obtained in the absence of thermal gradients and thermoelectric effects. Experimental results are presented which support the concept that, for the opposite of the above condition (ie uncooled electrons, thick sheath), the floating potential is unaffected. In addition, the data have also been analysed in a manner suggested by Lam to yield an accurate value for the electron temperature.

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