
Tangeretin, a flavonoid from citrus plants, was found to inhibit the invasion of MO4 cells (Kirsten murine sarcoma virus transformed fetal mouse cells) into embryonic chick heart fragments in vitro. The flavonoid appeared to be chemically stable in tissue culture medium, and the anti-invasive effect was reversible on omission of the molecule from the medium. Unlike (+)-catechin, another anti-invasive flavonoid, tangeretin bound poorly to extracellular matrix. It did not alter fucosylated surface glycopeptides of MO4 cells. Tangeretin seemed not to act as a microtubule inhibitor, as immunocytochemistry revealed no disturbance of the cytoplasmic microtubule complex. However, at anti-invasive concentrations of tangeretin, cell proliferation and thymidine incorporation appeared to be inhibited. When cultured on an artificial substrate, treated MO4 cells were less elongated, covered a larger surface area and exhibited a slower directional migration than untreated cells. From the decrease in ATP content in MO4 cells after tangeretin treatment, we deduce that this flavonoid inhibits a number of intracellular processes, which leads to an inhibition of cell motility and hence of invasion.

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