
This is the first documentation of parasitic mite, Leptus sp., found on a necrophagous blowfly, Chrysomya villeneuvi collected from a decomposing wild boar carcass placed in Taman Negara (National Park), Kuala Keniam, Pahang, Malaysia. Blowflies around the carcass were captured using an insect net before being examined under a stereomicroscope. Upon microscopic observation, we found a mite attached on the scutellum of C. villeneuvi adult. The mite was carefully removed and preserved in 70% ethanol subsequently. Then, the mite was cleared in lactophenol before being mounted in Hoyer's medium. The morphological identification of the mite was conducted and Leptus sp. was identified. The species belongs to the phalangii species group and the aldonae species subgroup. This study highlights the new association of Leptus sp. and C. villeneuvi for the first time.

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