
The purpose of this work is to analyze and investigate the way in which families provide their contribution in the teaching process in basic general education students. This study addresses the process of family involvement in the "Eliécer Absalón Valle Carrera" Educational Unit, San Antonio parish in the Chone canton. To do this, it is assumed that the family is how the subjects who are in training receive the first information, learn attitudes and ways of perceiving. From the perspective of a mixed qualitative and quantitative, descriptive methodological approach and from a bibliographic-documentary approach, this work analyzes the relationship between family and educational institution, the articulation with parents and the promotion of their participation, the benefits that entails the active insertion of the family nucleus and how, from this, the work that the family carries out in the home is enhanced, which is understood as the first space where boys and girls develop, and in turn enhances the work that institutions and educational programs carry out.

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