
The main purpose of the article is to reveal the preconditions of emergence and development of capitalistic credit system in the Vyatka province (XIX – beginning of the XX centuries). The author studies the evolution of industry, agriculture, trading and transport in the region. The method of analysis is used in combination with problem-chronological method. The following results were achieved. In the XIX century the Vyatka region remained agricultural and peasant region, though it became drawn into universal course of capitalistic evolution. The increase of commodity-money relations intensifies the economical influence of the cities. The large-scale mining district, that joined together 10 metallurgical plants, was organized in the northern part of the region. The investments of local merchants and peasants into manufacturing grew. The social stratification of the peasantry began. It was stimulated by the state-owned status of the most of the Vyatka peasants. Simultaneously, the so-called usurer’s credit stroked roots into the peasantry. Because of the growth of the city dwellers the territory of the region was covered by the net of trading posts. Money turnovers of the trading enterprises increased. The further development of industry and trading was promoted be the emergence of both steam navigation and railway transport.

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