
In covid 19 pandemic, since march UNP through UNP rector circular letter no 1593/UN35/AK/2020 obligates the practise of online learning using UNP platform. This decision surely becomes one barrier for some parties in the term of practise. Lecturer readiness in preparing the design of right message for online learning is main point. Even though the socialization related to the design of message in online learning has been long implemented, but it is not fully practised, it becomes particular burden for lecturer. This barrier can be seen from the utilization of synchronous which is not utilized yet, as result some of lecturer are still practising e-learning like face to face lecture i.e same time lecture. It emerges barrier for students. Based on the result of analysis done from the shared questionnaire, the dominant barriers perceived by the students is the readiness of material which is minimum which are available on e-learning, such as e-book, e-module, and the right recommended of e-resources. One thing that must be prepared by university in preparing digital material from various courses is motivating the lecturer to produce the sources of digital (Shurygin, V. Y., &Krasnova, L. A. (2016)). Network aspect and technical problems is aspect which is improvement in the institution which is compulsory to be able to do fast improvement in line with 4,0 revolution era which require the high adoption level on e-resources digital literacy.

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