
Education is one of the aspects affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The online learning that has been taken since the outbreak began in March 2020 has an impact on the effectiveness of the learning outcomes themselves. This research is a qualitative research that aims to obtain a description of online learning for the Learning Evaluation course at the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, even semester 2020/2021. Online learning at Unnes uses the Elena system to support optimizing lecture outcomes. The technique of collecting data in this study used a questionnaire technique with 92 respondents in the sixth semester of the Java Language and Literature Education Study Program who took the Learning Evaluation course. The data analysis technique uses the Miles & Huberman (1994) technique which consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions and reflections. The results of this study indicate that online learning has been effective in achieving the learning objectives of the course, but it needs to be improved so that it is more structured in providing online material. The results of this study are used as guidelines for improving online learning, especially in the Learning Evaluation course in the coming semester and online learning in all courses in general.

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