
Relevance of the covered in this article questions of referring to standardization in the course of design engineering is defined nu the observed over the recent decade changes in the character of organization of the surrounding a human object world, its complication and growing disarray. The subject of research is the specificity of implementation of standardization principles in project engineering of industrial design with emphasis on interpretation of the latter as the activity on development of user experience. Special attention is given to the description and analysis of experience of referring to project capabilities of standardization in the course of developing design for industrial testing equipment. The author examines the modern research in the area of industrial design, as well classical works in the field of design theory. The scientific novelty consists in determination and specification of the role of standardization in modern industrial design, which currently underlies the development of experience of user interaction. An important outcome became the creation of a project, which novelty is substantiated by international patent. The result of implementation of standardization principles in the course of design engineering of control and protection mechanisms of testing equipment lies in the complex solution of such tasks, as ensuring stylistic unity of the entire product line, ergonomics of operators’ positions, conservation of material, human and time resources. The author outlines the prospects of implementation of standardization in industrial design in the nearest futures due to the need for bringing a growing array of technical devices to a common standard.

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