
The Angguk Dance is a folk dance that is included in the Angguk Art. The Angguk dance depicts the struggle of warriors against invaders. The history of the Angguk dance cannot be separated from the history of the struggle of Prince Diponegoro. The war against the Dutch colonialists, Prince Diponegoro was supported by Nyi Ageng Serang, real name Raden Ajeng Kustiyah Wulaningsih Retno Edi, daughter of Prince Natapraja. Nyi Ageng Serang was born in 1762 AD in the Serang area (on the Grobogan-Sragen border). The name Angguk is taken from the Javanese word "mangguk", which means sentiko, ndere'aken, which means yes or understanding and carrying out orders given by the leader. This is also related to the teachings of thoriqoh, when wiridan or dhikr during the recitation of laa ilaha illa allah, the head is shaken or nodded to make it easier to concentrate while reciting. The motion of the Angguk Grobogan Dance teaches the public to be nationalistic, patriotic and religiously devout. The Angguk dance has experienced a setback due to the emergence of new entertainment in the globalization era, such as social media, which makes it easier to access interesting entertainment. Based on the background description, the researcher is interested in knowing about "The Existence of the Angguk Dance at the Angguk Putri Mekar Sari Kuncen Studio, Wates District, Kulon Progo Regency" because the researcher wants to know how the existence of the Angguk Dance from 2010 to 2022 at the Angguk Putri Mekar Sari Kuncen Studio Wates District, Kulon Progo Regency.

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