
Corruption is a term that comes from Latin, "corruptio" from the verb "corrumpere", which means rotten, corrupted, shaken, twisted, bribed, stolen, stolen. According to the Oxford dictionary, the notion of corruption is dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by people in authority. Responsibility is human awareness of intentional or unintentional behavior or actions. Responsibility also means action as a manifestation of awareness of obligations. In this case, the author describes a series of corruption incidents, Mr. Winar Subekti who serves as the Assistant Head of the Net City Internet Learning Cafe Development Project) actions that refer to direct actions to make inappropriate choices, where here he requires other people to commit inhumane crimes, here he is not a human being who has not changed , so that here the author will discuss the analysis of Law and Moral Police Investigators in Corruption Eradication.

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