
Fair division of indivisible resources is a fundamental problem in many disciplines, including computer science, economy, operations research, etc. The existence of PMMS allocations of goods is a major open problem in fair division, even for additive valuations. At the state of the art, there is no identified setting where PMMS allocations are deemed impossible, and the known existing results regarding their existence are limited to highly constrained settings. In this paper, we provide an algorithm for computing a PMMS allocation for identical variant. We also use the algorithm to find the PMMS allocations for 3 agents in line graphs. Moreover, we show that a 45-PMMS allocation can be computed in polynomial time when agents agree on the ordinal ranking of the goods. A quantitative gauge for assessing the impact on social welfare is known as the price of fairness, which quantifies the maximum possible reduction in social welfare due to the imposition of fairness constraints. Originally explored in the context of divisible goods, the concept of the price of fairness continues to be a pivotal metric for evaluating the effect of fairness considerations on overall social welfare. Consequently, we study the efficiency decrease under PMMS allocations and prove a tight upper bound on the price of PMMS allocations.

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