
The issue of developing hand-eye coordination skills among preschool students has yet to be completely resolved. This research examines the effectiveness of Batik Jumputan as a teaching method to improve students' fine motor skills at the TKIT Alhamdulillah Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta. The research employed a qualitative approach, employing participant observation, in-depth interviews, and recording to gather data. The study implemented Batik Jumputan learning in three stages to improve fine motor skills: planning learning objectives, indicators, and materials; implementing learning activities and assessing results; and controlling and following up on learning. The Batik Jumputan lesson was carefully planned and designed by the instructor, laying a solid foundation for students to practice fine motor skills. Students exhibited great enthusiasm, especially when mixing colors and dipping the cloth, demonstrating a strong curiosity. Upon viewing their vibrant creations on the fabric, students appeared happy, thus indicating a strong desire to learn batik. The evaluation noted that each student managed to show fine motor development as expected, even though some students reached a very good level of development. The study revealed that learning to make Batik Jumputan positively affected students' fine motor skills, leading to significant improvements.

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