
Article describes the evolution of the social and political movements of Ukrainians in the Chelm and Podlasie regions in the first half of the 1930s and its impact on the state's mobilization potential. The author reveals the external and internal factors that led to qualitative and quantitative changes in the Ukrainian movement of Chelm and Podlasie regions. First of all, this is the parliamentary election in 1930, during which the local Ukrainian population lost all its representatives in the Sejm and the Senate and could not defend its rights at the official state level. Another important factor was the global economic crisis, which hit the Polish economy hard and, above all, the Ukrainian workers. The combination of these factors led to the transition from educational and cultural activities of Ukrainian associations, peaceful meetings and rallies led by Ukrainian parliamentarians to armed rallies, which often ended in clashes with the police and human victims. This radicalization of Ukrainian society and the loss of confidence in the central government negatively affected the loyalty of the population to the Polish state and the loss of its mobilization potential in this region. This situation had negative consequences for Poland during the preparations and the first months of the Second World War.


  • Article describes the evolution of the social and political movements of Ukrainians in the Chelm and Podlasie regions in the first half of the 1930s and their impact on the state’s mobilization potential

  • The study of the evolution of the socio-political movements of the Ukrainians of Chelm and Podlasie regions in the first half of the 1930s will enable us to follow the changes in the mood of society, the forms of self-organization and their opposition to the central government, the gradual radicalization of protest movements, and so on

  • Neither in Ukrainian nor in the Polish historiography, the topic of the socio-political movement of Ukrainians in Chelm and Podlasie regions was considered through the prism of the development of human potential and the mobilization potential of the Polish state

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Article describes the evolution of the social and political movements of Ukrainians in the Chelm and Podlasie regions in the first half of the 1930s and their impact on the state’s mobilization potential. У статті розглянуто еволюцію суспільно-політичних рухів українців Холмщини та Підляшшя в першій половині 1930-х рр. Ключові слова: Холмщина, Підляшшя, суспільно-політичні рухи, страйки, мобілізаційний потенціал, Польща.

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