
Hemibagrus nemurus or Baung is catfish grouped with pangasidae that has become a high economic value in Indonesia. The Kotopanjang Reservoir and the Sembakung River have the potential fishing ground of Hemibagrus nemurus in Riau Province and North Kalimantan respectively. This paper aims to evaluate the situation of the utilization of Hemibagrus nemurus based on growth parameters between two populations in the Kotopanjang Reservoir and the Sembakung River. The sample was collected from February to November 2017 in Kotopanjang, and February to September 2019 in the Sembakung. The conclusion has been produced by the length frequency analysis on both locations. The growth parameters have been analyzed by R software “TropFishR” and “fishmethods” packages. The result of ELEVAN analysis draws the same growth factor was 0.2 for the Kotopanjang and the Sembakung River. The length infinitive in the Sembakung River is 90 cm and the Kotopanjang 46.5 cm. The other result shows the exploitation level was higher recorded in the Kotopanjang Reservoir compare to the Sembakung with 0.514 and 0.277 respectively. It proved the exploitation rate in Kotopanjang was higher than the size caught in the Sembakung River. The recruitment pattern in both locations showed recruit pattern for the new stock was two times a year.

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