
Aim: The aim in this study is to evaluate retrospectively the patients who referred to the pain clinic in our hospital with pain in 45 months period with regards to pain types, demographic characteristics and treatment methods. Material and Methods: In our study, we investigated the records of patients with chronic pain in Saglik Bilimleri University Samsun Training and Research Hospital pain clinic between July 2015-March 2019 in a cross-sectional study. Pain types, demographic characteristics and treatment methods were evaluated retrospectively. Results: During 45 months period, it was showed that 25288 patients with chronic pain referred to the pain clinic. 16046 (63.5%) patients were female and 9242 (36.5%) patients were male. The most common causes of non-cancer pain were back pain, myofascial pain and neuropathic pain. The number of patients with cancer pain were 674 (2.7%). We observed that all of the patients had medical treatment and 3635 (14.4%) patients had both medical and interventional pain treatment. The most common interventional pain treatments methods were trigger point injection, joint injection, transforaminal epidural injection and facet median nerve block. Conclusion: We have shown that it has been referred numerous patients in our clinic at 45 months period and interventional pain treatment has been administered to 14.4% of these patients. For this reason, we believed that these results will be an important data source for chronic pain studies.


  • Aim: The aim in this study is to evaluate retrospectively the patients who referred to the pain clinic in our hospital with pain in 45 months period with regards to pain types, demographic characteristics and treatment methods

  • During 45 months period, it was showed that 25288 patients with chronic pain referred to the pain clinic. 16046 (63.5%) patients were female and 9242 (36.5%) patients were male

  • We observed that all of the patients had medical treatment and 3635 (14.4%) patients had both medical and interventional pain treatment

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Orijinal Makale

Amaç: Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, hastanemiz ağrı polikliniğine 45 aylık sürede ağrı şikayeti ile başvuran hastaların demografik özellikleri, ağrı tipleri ve tedavilerini geriye dönük olarak değerlendirmektir. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, ağrı tipleri ve uygulanan tedaviler geriye dönük, kesitsel çalışma olarak değerlendirildi. En sık kanser dışı ağrı nedenleri (KDA); bel ağrısı, miyofasial ağrı ve nöropatik ağrı idi. Kanser ağrısı (KA) nedeni ile başvuran hasta sayısı 674 (%2,7) idi. Hastaların tamamına medikal tedavi ve 3635 (%14,4) hastaya ek olarak girişimsel ağrı tedavisi uygulandığı tespit edildi. En sık yapılan girişimsel ağrı tedavi yöntemleri; tetik nokta enjeksiyonu, eklem içi enjeksiyon uygulaması, transforaminal epidural enjeksiyon ve faset median sinir bloğu uygulaması olarak saptandı. Sonuçlar: 45 aylık sürede algoloji kliniğimize yoğun bir hasta başvurusu olduğu ve hastaların %14,4’lük kısmına girişimsel ağrı tedavisi uygulandığı görülmüştür.

Material and Methods
Ağrı türü
Spinal kord stimülasyonu Perkutan sempatik blok
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