
The article addresses the European Union’s efforts to forge a new generation of partnerships aimed at strengthen-ing international cooperation, collaborating in and with multilateral and regional organizations, as well as other stake-holders who share democratic values. In this context, it offers an overview of a broad, diverse, and important field of modern diplomatic practice, elucidating the concepts of ,,multilateral diplomacy” and ,,multilateralism”. Moreover, drawing upon the International Relations theories, realism and liberalism perspectives, our research objective is to outline the EU’s commitment to ally and support partners in more effectively engaging with the multilateral system. As democratic principles and respect for human rights are the core elements of the EU’s identity, and deeply rooted in its foreign policy, the Union moved forward on important internal and external initiatives. This involves ensuring a systematic monitoring and pursuit of bilateral commitments with partner countries to advance the multilateral agenda and promote the safeguarding of democracy and human rights at global scale.

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