
The reference to humanity, equity and moderation as moral values on the basis of which the existence of common moral values in Christianity and Islam will be established, in addition to their emphasis in the teachings of Christianity and Islam as the most important, is also based on their representation in the ontological - anthropological definition of the term of human.In the views of many philosophers about what is human nature, or what it means to be human, there is always at least one of the listed moral values, or any of its manifestations.According to Confucius, the individual can achieve moral excellence by consciously nurturing nobility such as humanity, then righteousness, righteousness, wisdom, sincerity, and courage. For him, humanity is a general nobility, a virtue on which all other nobilities are further founded.Ancient philosophers strive to determine what would be the highest good, which would determine the meaning of human life.In Jainism, in Indian philosophy, the basic principles are: respect (achims), truthfulness, celibacy, rejection of property, and acceptance of only what is being received as a gift.Kant assumed that what he called "a categorical imperative" is a fundamental law of all ethics.According to Schopenhauer, actions that must be given moral value are voluntary equity, purity of humanity, and sincere tribe.In support of the indication of moral content and the importance of humanity, equity and morality, the results of the review of the "Institute of Global Ethics" will be presented, obtained during the annual meeting of the World Forum in San Francisco in 1996.From the above it is possible to perceive the importance of humanness, equity and moderation have in the moral determinations of many people from different societies.

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