
The issues of the professional self-realization in health-improving activities are relevant in the current conditions of the European integration of educational systems and improving the efficiency of the training of the future teachers of physical education in higher educational establishments. The integration of Ukraine into the world system of higher education is aimed at reconsidering the main directions of the training of the future teachers of physical education in higher educational establishments. The formation of the readiness of the future teachers of physical education for professional self-realization in health-improving activity is considered as process of acquiring skills by students, which will ensure the effective implementation of their abilities, the manifestation of their creativity and mastering certain social experience, enhancing professional skills and improvment in the profession with the purpose of the involvement of pupils in physical exercises at the lessons of physical education, and carrying out sports-improving actions during the day, out-of-class and out-of-school physical culture and health-improvement work. It is noted that higher school is actively seeking answers to the questions posed by the present-day reality, and to questions related to the preservation and strengthening of the health of participants in the educational process. The need for the program for the modernization of higher physical education is determined by the internal patterns of the development of higher education and the long-term development needs of the individual, the society and the state that have developed in the system of professional training of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions on the basis of preserving and multiplying the best traditions of domestic and world experience. Attention is focused on the fact that the teachers of physical education are called upon to solve the complex tasks of physical education of the youth, to involve children and young people in physical culture and sports.


  • Позитивним в опитуванні студентів є те, що 58,95 % респондентів вважають за доцільне формувати їх готовність до професійної самореалізації в оздоровчій діяльності, 7,37 % – вважають це недоцільним, 33,68 % опитаних студентів важко було відповісти на це питання

  • H. Pidhotovka maybutnikh uchyteliv fizychnoyi kul’tury do ozdorovchoyi roboty z molodshymy shkolyaramy [Preparation of future teachers of physical culture for improving work with junior school children] Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis

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В. Професійна підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи: технологічна складова: монографія / Л. Освітній простір дошкільного навчального закладу: монографія: у 2 ч. В. Теоретико-методичні засади підготовки майбутніх учителів до педагогічної взаємодії у навчально-виховному середовищі школи першого ступеня: автореф. М. Професійна мобільність майбутнього вчителя початкових класів: навчальнометодичний посібник / Р. Д. Педагогічне проектування освітнього простору в школі 1 ступення: теорія і практика: монографія / А. М. Підготовка майбутнього вчителя до саморегуляції педагогічної діяльності: монографія; за ред.

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