
The article is devoted to the coverage of one of the urgent problems of the criminal procedural law of Ukraine concerning extradition. Ukraine, which has chosen the European vector of development, aspires to become a member of the European Union, in connection with which since 2012 Ukraine has intensified cooperation between international and Ukrainian criminal law, aimed at uniting the efforts of states in the fight against crime. Such cooperation has become the basis for improving the rules for providing legal assistance and extradition of persons committing criminal offenses, as well as for the further development of the institution of extradition. Despite the fact that Ukraine is currently going through difficult times of war, the issue of application of international law during the extradition procedure is very important. Due to the changes in Ukraine, which were unfortunately brought by the war, in the future our country will face changes in international law and contractual relations between European countries and countries that are part of the CIS. Of course, martial law conditions significantly complicate the extradition process, but even in such circumstances it is not possible to allow situations that would lead to the evasion of criminal responsibility of persons who have committed criminal offenses. The article also considers the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, the theoretical component of extradition: the concept of "extradition" in the legal system of Ukraine, analysis of legal regulation of extradition, functions and grounds of extradition in criminal proceedings, stages, types and principles of extradition. In order to study the relevance of the extradition procedure in Ukraine, the article reveals the problematic issues during the extradition, the rules of international law and the regulatory framework of Ukraine related to the extradition procedure. The practice of application of norms of the international law and the legislation of Ukraine during extradition on a practical example of the Dnepropetrovsk area is investigated and the visions concerning the decision of problem questions during extradition are given.

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