
The relevance of the article is due to the problem of the quality of training of future primary school teachers in the conditions of modern education reform. A modern primary school teacher is an agent of changes in the modern educational space in the conditions of the formation of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept, whois able to build special relationships with the participants of the educational process on the basis of partnership. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and structure of the future teacher’s readiness for partnership interaction in primary school. The purpose of the article is to justify the need to form a future teacher’s readiness for partnership interaction in primary school, as well as to determine the essential content of the concept “future teacher’s readiness for partnership interaction in primary school” and the structure of this phenomenon. In the course of the study, various approaches to defining the concept of “readiness of the future teacher for partnership interaction in primary school” were analyzed, the author’s definition of the mentioned phenomenon was presented. It was established that the readiness of the future teacher for partnership interaction is a set of personal and professional qualities that contribute to effective interaction between the subjects of the educational process on the basis of partnership. The future teacher’s readiness for partnership interaction in primary school includes the following components: motivational and value (includes motives, needs for partnership interaction, universal and educational values); cognitive (reflects knowledge about partnership interaction with participants in the educational process, its essence, structure, criteria and levels of formation, interaction technologies); praxeological (mastery of communicative and organizational skills in the process of partner interaction; ability to apply effective strategies, technologies, forms and means of partner interaction; ability to perform reflective analysis of one’s activities). We see prospects for further research in determining the criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of future teachers for partnership interaction in primary school

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