
Addressing the topic of competitiveness in the educational industry is due to the society needa and the New Ukrainian School for teachers with a new style of pedagogical thinking, with creative approaches to solving educational problems, adequately responding to non-standard learning situations, capable to effectively organize professional and pedagogical activities. The article purpose: to research the essence and components of mathematics teacher's competitiveness through the lens of M.Porter's «five forces» model of competition. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, systematization (to clarify key research concepts), generalization (for the purpose of forming author's conclusions). It is substantiated that the problem of competitiveness is extremely relevant for mathematics teachers today. The results of the international PISA research, the annual reports of the independent higher education institutions in mathematics testify not only to the insufficient level of mathematical literacy of Ukrainian students, but also lead to the identification of a number of factors that cause such educational results. Among others (imperfectness of educational programs, textbooks, lack of motivation of students to study mathematics, unpreparedness of teachers and students for blended learning, insufficient level of teacher qualifications, etc.), the low level of competitiveness of domestic teachers in both the domestic and international educational space is also highlighted. Mathematics teacher competitiveness is a professionally significant quality that ensures demand in the educational market. It is characterized by the desire to compete with others and the ability to realize the pedagogical potential due to a high level of formation of general and professional competencies (mathematical, pedagogical, methodical knowledge and skills, personal traits), determined by the competitive environment. By M.Porter's «five forces» model, five components of the competitiveness of mathematics teachers are identified, which determine the formation of the following components: «Competition in the field» – mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities, personally significant traits; «Threat of new participants» – professional focus, digital literacy, multicultural competence, leadership skills; «The threat of changing services» – professional mobility, creativity, research skills, pedagogical reflection; «Suppliers» – high level of education, ability to make decisions, work in a team, continuous learning, entrepreneurship; «Buyers» – the formation of humanistic values, readiness to use productive forms and methods in working with students and parents.

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