
The action of rainwater on reinforced concrete walls has led to an erosion phenomenon. The erosion is very apparent when the walls are inclined. This phenomenon is studied on a real site characterized by different architectural forms. The site dates back to the seventies; it was designed by the architect, modeler of concrete, Oscar Nie Meyer. On this site, the erosion has damaged the cover of the reinforcements and reduced its depth. In this research work, a method of quantification of the erosion is developed. Using this method, the amount of mass loss by erosion was measured on imprints taken from the site. The results are expressed by the rate of mass loss by erosion; they are associated to the height and the inclination of the walls. Moreover, laboratory analysis was carried out on samples taken from the site. From this study, it is recommended to consider the erosion, in any building code, to determine the cover thickness.

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