The “ER = EPR” conjecture, conceived by Maldacena and Susskind, is grounded on the notion that a gravitational theory in the bulk is dual to the corresponding quantum field theory on the boundary in accordance to the AdS/CFT correspondence. The conjecture pertains to the idea that Einstein-Rosen (ER) spacetime bridges and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) quantum entanglement may be considered as dually equivalent. Since ER bridges refer to the connectivity between black holes, the “ER = EPR” conjecture implies that black holes connected by ER bridges are entangled, and conversely, that entangled black holes are connected by ER bridges. However, the instance of the maximally entangled tripartite (GHZ) quantum state points to the necessity of devising a model of non-classical Planck scale ER bridges going beyond the standard description of these bridges in spacetime. Based on the topological structure of the maximally entangled GHZ state, we propose that a universal topological link, called the Borromean rings, furnishes a particular linking structure that is able to unravel the equavalence between entanglement and wormholes, and thus, to address the validity of the “ER = EPR” conjecture beyond the initial context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. As a consequence, we propose the explicit construction of distinguishable extensions of the smooth classical spacetime manifold taking place in the transition to the quantum gravity regime according to a naturally induced physical criterion of gravitational generic properties following from this intrinsic topological qualification of the “ER = EPR” conjecture.
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