
<p class="Abstract"><span lang="ZH-CN">Since its early beginning, the “Religious Moderation” <i>(Moderasi
 Beragama)</i> has been a disputed controversy in the making of its epistemic
 discourses among parties of religious authorities of Islamic organisations,
 particularly <i>Nahdlatul Ulama</i> <i>(N.U.)</i>, <i>Muhammadiyah</i>, and
 Islamic-based political parties. The issues following controversies are
 political bias due to the principles of Religious Moderation that are close to
 the characteristics of <i>Islam Nusantara</i> (Archipelagical Islam) of
 Nahdlatul Ulama, the close ally of the ruling regime. This research discusses
 the epistemic discourse of Religious Moderation based on the genealogical
 studies of Michel Foucault. Joko Widodo's administration constructed
 "Religious Moderation" as a system of knowledge and political ethics,
 even a “state ideology” in maintaining a </span>peaceful<span lang="ZH-CN"> religious life and
 articulating Indonesian Islam. This research reveals that "Religious
 Moderation" epistemically refers to ethical values for Indonesian politics
 concerning the nature of Indonesian history and its societal identities of
 diversity <i>(Kebhinekaan)</i>, ethnicity, religion, languages, and beliefs,
 including varieties of Indonesian Islam. <i>Nahdlatul Ulama </i>and Joko
 Widodo's administration share the same interests in maintaining a peaceful
 religious life and nationalism. </span><o:p></o:p></p>

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