
ALL BUT ONE OF THE FIFTY-THREE epigrams ascribed to Lucian derive from the Greek Anthology;' the exception is the first one (On his Own Book), cited by Photius and possessing slight manuscript authority.2 And, as will be seen, the total number of attributed epigrams has been whittled down considerablyby Paton and other commentators on the Anthology.3 Reaction to the merits of these little pieces is entirely subjective. MacLeod, Lucian's most recent editor, dubs the first epigram spurious; of the others, he allows that at least a few are not un-Lucianic in style and thought, but does not elaborate (523-525). Bompaire, who made an effort to correlate some of the epigrams with Lucian's other work, states the only reasonable general approach (646): On pourrait se fonder sur

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