
Anosognosia and impairment of insight are characteristic features of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which can lead to delays in appropriate medical care and significant family discord. The default mode network (DMN), a distributed but highly connected network of brain regions more active during rest than during task, is integrally involved in awareness. DMN dysfunction is common in AD, and disrupted communication between memory-related and self-related DMN networks is associated with anosognosia in AD patients. In addition, the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) is a key region of the "social brain" and also contributes to representations of the self. The exact classification of the TPJ within the DMN is unclear, though connections between the TPJ and DMN have been highlighted in multiple avenues of research. Here we discuss the relationship between the TPJ, DMN, and AD, as well as the potential involvement of the TPJ in anosognosia in AD. We review past and present findings to raise attention to the TPJ, with a specific emphasis on neuroimaging technologies which suggest a pivotal role of the TPJ within large-scale brain networks linked to anosognosia in AD.

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