
The late 1980s saw a renewed interest in rural health in its own right with State jurisdictions establishing defined rural health units. There was recognition that health professionals in rural communities often needed training to fulfil their roles in rural and remote communities. Simultaneously, the number of regional universities increased. A number of such universities grouped to form a consortium and were funded through the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC) to form the Australian Rural Health Research Institute. Consequently, a series of conferences specifically addressing rural health research needs occurred, and the Australian Journal of Rural Health was established. Through both of these avenues a trend towards more research presentations and publications can be seen. The National Health and Medical Research Council, under the auspices of AHMAC, has provided an overview of the state of rural health research in Australia and developed recommendations, which form the framework for a future strategy for rural health research. These recommendations have been endorsed by AHMAC, which has now funded the initiation of the implementation of the strategy.

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