
The object of the article's research is the process of the emergence and development of the concept of "judicial management". The subject of the study is the formation of the judicial management system and the evolutionary development of terms denoting such management. The author summarizes and systematizes theoretical knowledge on the formation and development of the concept of "judicial management", explores the terminological features and principles of modern judicial management. All this made it possible to objectively assess the process of formation and development of judicial management, to see its new facets, the categorical apparatus reflecting the content of the concept of "judicial management". The author is convinced that the theoretical understanding of the formation of the term "judicial management" has a practical effect not only for the subjects of law enforcement activity, but also for the legislator. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the article conducts a comprehensive interdisciplinary study in which, through the prism of the formation of the institute of judicial management, the formation of the terminological base of judicial management and its historical correlation is shown. On the concrete historical material, the emergence of the first terms denoting judicial management is determined, the formation and its development of the terminological system of judicial management is shown.The main scientific methods of researching the topic of the article were historical–legal and formal-logical methods with the help of which the characteristic properties of such a phenomenon were known as "judicial management". In addition, to achieve this goal, a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, structural-system method) and private scientific methods were used.

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