
The unintegrated parton distribution functions (UPDFs) of 3H, 3He and 4He nuclei are generated to calculate their structure functions (SFs) in the kt-factorization approach. The Kimber–Martin–Ryskin (KMR) formalism is applied to evaluate the double-scale UPDFs of these nuclei from their single-scale parton distribution functions (PDFs), which can be obtained from the constituent quark exchange model (CQEM). Afterwards, these SFs are used to calculate the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) ratios of these nuclei. The resulting EMC ratios are then compared with the available experimental data and good agreement with data is achieved. In comparison with our previous EMC ratios, in which the conventional PDFs were used in the calculations, the accord of the present outcomes with experiment at the small x region becomes impressive. Therefore, it can be concluded that the kt dependence of partons can reproduce the general form of the shadowing effect at the small x values in above nuclei.

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