
The aim of this updated EFSUMB-website guide is to introduce readers to EFSUMB's wide ranging activities. The mostrecent are the guidelines on interventional ultrasound and intestinal ultrasound and updated CEUS Non-Liver and ElastographyLiver Guidelines which can be freely downloaded. Hosting eBooks on our website is another new departure, most importantlythe EFSUMB Course Book on Ultrasound available in a second edition as an eReader and an online Student Edition ofthe ECB. EFSUMB has been active with updating Guidelines; those mentioned above have all been revised or written in thelast two years. Webinars have been introduced and participation is possible online but can be reviewed later along with recentrecordings of Euroson Schools. The EFSUMB Newsletter in the EJU promotes our activities and topical articles intended toreach all our members with the online version hosted on our website. The Case of the Month continues to be one of EFSUMB'smost visited sites and in the last few years has been translated into 14 different languages including Chinese. In conclusion, thisarticle aims to provide an updated guide to the website educational sites of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasoundin Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB).

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