
In the development of the Muslim population, which is currently expanding, it can cause or have a majoreffect on the economy in the surrounding community, including the Muslim population in Indonesia,which has an influence on the development of the halal ecosystem which has a great opportunity for theeconomy in Indonesia and in the world. Islamic boarding school educational institution which is one ofthe educational institutions engaged in teaching Islam, which exists in the midst of society. It has economicindependence that is well developed and managed through the economic system built by the boardingschool. And this shows that there is an economic and financial system that is managed through a shariafinancial system, so this is a reinforcement for the development of halal ecosystems in Islamic boardingschools. This study aims to determine how the independence efforts that have been instilled in the MTAPesantren Putri Al-Amien in the development of the halal ecosystem in the economic field from theperspective of PP No. 39 of 2021 concerning PBJPH. This type of research uses descriptive qualitativeresearch methods which are considered very appropriate in developing the potential for the halal ecosystemin the economic field owned by the MTA Pesantren Putri Al-Amien The results obtained in this studystate that the MTA Pesantren Putri Al-Amien already has independence in developing the halalecosystem in the economic field of the types of business units that exist in the Islamic Boarding Schoolenvironment, so that the Islamic Boarding School has the means in guidance to develop its independence.Keywords: Self-Reliance Efforts, Islamic Boarding School, Halal Ecosystem

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