
There were analyzed and disclosed the basic components of arable farming systems and their Meaning, the current state and scientific principles in the context of the further development of field crop cultivation in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe.
 The purpose of research. To study an effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency.
 Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative and analytical.
 Results. The results of researches on study of productivity of four-field crop rotations with short rotation depending on their saturation by the grain and tilled cultures, of various use of mineral fertilizers, green manure crops and collateral products which were conducted during 2014-2015 in the stationary experiment of the scientific and technological department of plant growing and arable farming, of the TDSGDS of the IKSGP of NAAN are resulted In the article.
 The elements of the biologization of farming are the basis of our development of crop rotations with short rotation. The study of the effect of green manure crops and collateral products in four-field crop rotations with a different set of crops on the change of soil fertility and productivity of crop rotations as a whole was carried out to this purpose. According to the results of the research, is provided the information on the effectiveness of improving the field crop rotations with short rotation with varying degrees of saturation by grain and tilled crops, that ensure the production of environmentally friendly products, reducing the cost of grain, improving the quality of marketable products.
 The study of the effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency showed that an increase in crop rotation productivity is observed in short-rotation crop rotations, if they are saturated by grain crops up to 100%, cereals crops reduction to 50% in crop rotations contributes to a decrease in crop productivity.
 Conclusion. Thus, the results of the research showed that with the correct construction of short rotational crop rotations, such problems as rational use of nutrients and soil moisture, control of weeds and pests of agricultural crops, improvement of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, increased efficiency in the use of fertilizers and equipment, Cheapening of the received agricultural product may be solved.

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