The current research investigates the influence of gamification and artificial intelligence (AI) on the motivation and efficacy of primary school students in acquiring English language skills. With the increasing prevalence of digital technologies in education, there is a growing need to explore innovative approaches that engage students and foster a positive learning environment. The study hypothesizes that the combination of gamification and AI will positively influence motivation and efficacy in English language learning. The study utilized a mixed-methods research approach, where an experimental group received English language teaching through gamified learning platforms enhanced by AI, while a control group received conventional tuition. The quantitative data obtained from pre- and post-assessments clearly showed that the experimental group shown greater levels of engagement, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation, resulting in enhanced language proficiency outcomes in comparison to the control group. The qualitative analysis demonstrated that the experimental group experienced heightened self-assurance, a feeling of accomplishment, and a favorable disposition towards learning English. The utilization of gamification, along with the assistance of artificial intelligence, enabled customized learning experiences that were engaging and immersive, promoting motivation and active involvement. The results emphasize the possibility of combining gamification and AI in teaching English to primary school students to improve motivation and effectiveness, underscoring the significance of innovative methods in educational environments.
Published Version
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