
Abstract Total body X-irradiation has been shown to cause a marked depression of humoral antibody formation in response to a single injection of antigen given shortly after irradiation (1–8). In previously reported studies in the rabbit, Jacobson et al. have demonstrated that lead shielding of the spleen during total body irradiation will largely prevent this reduction of circulating antibody concentration. Furthermore, these investigators have found that if the shielded spleen is left in the animal for only 24 hours after irradiation but is removed 24 hours before intravenous antigen is given there is still striking protection of the antibody forming mechanism (6). Therefore, in the 24 hours following exposure to X irradiation the shielded rabbit's spleen apparently releases a humoral or cellular product which protects or allows very quick recovery of the remaining irradiated antibody forming tissues of the body.

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