
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of process alignment on performance of pharmaceutical firms in Kenya
 Methodology: This research adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of interest in this study were the 22 local pharmaceutical manufacturing and 149 importing firms that act as subsidiaries making a total of 171. The study sample was drawn from the list of 171 pharmaceutical firms where various categories with the relevant information for the study were drawn. The study adopted a census sampling technique. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 22 by making use of multiple regressions analysis which helped to generate a weighted estimation equation (OLS) that was used to predict values for dependent variable from the values of the independent variable.
 Findings: The correlation and regression results revealed that process alignment had a positive and significant relationship with performance of pharmaceutical firms. The null hypothesis was rejected which indicated that there was no significant relationship between resilience building and performance of pharmaceutical firms in Kenya.
 Recommendations: Based on the study findings, it was recommended that pharmaceutical firms should align their processes with those of the customers. The firms are encouraged to adopt management styles which are compatible with the clients in terms of mission and vision, improve or maintain their delivery standards such as on time and quality delivery, implement marketing strategies which are compatible with customers’ standards and or exceed their expectations, and finally the management should strive to meet the customer expectations by improving the characteristics of the products. According to the regression analysis results, these activities enhance the performance of the firm.

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