The two-dimensional spin-gap systemSrCu2(BO3)2 shows unique physical properties due to the strong quantum fluctuationsthat follow from its low-dimensionality and its very special topology. Themagnetic properties of this material, e.g. dimer singlet ground state, analmost localized triplet and magnetization plateaux, are well described by aspin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the orthogonal dimer lattice. Recently, an unusualangular dependence of the shifts at the B sites with the external magnetic fieldrotated in the (110) plane, which indicates the presence of a field-induced staggeredmoment, has been observed by nuclear magnetic resonance. Such a behaviourcannot be explained by the Heisenberg model alone. We include an intra-dimerDzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction as well as an anisotropic gyromagnetic tensorin the orthogonal dimer model, and we show that the observed field-inducedstaggered moment can be very well described with physically reasonable values of theparameters.
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