
Uterotonic mediators: endothelin-1 (ET-1), arginine vasopressin (AVP), and nitric oxide (NO) play important roles in the regulation of uterine contractility. We hypothesize that NO affects both ET-1 or AVP. Therefore, this study investigated the involvement of extended exogenous NO release in the regulation of responses of the human non-pregnant myometrium to ET-1 and AVP. Specimens were obtained from 10 premenopausal women, undergoing hysterectomy for benign gynecological disorders. Responses of the myometrial strips to ET-1 or AVP in the absence and presence of an exogenous NO donor (diethylenetriamine; DETA/NO; 10-4 mol/L) were recorded under isometric conditions. To inhibit endogenous NO, a competitive inhibitor of NO synthase, L-NG-nitroarginine (L-NNA) was added to the organ bath. ET-1 enhanced the spontaneous contractile activity of the myometrium more powerfully (p < 0.01) than AVP. Preincubation with exogenous NO weakened ET-1- or AVP-induced increases in this contractile activity (p < 0.05). However, unexpected results were obtained after preincubation with L-NNA and with DETA/NO then added. Both ET-1 and AVP induced augmented contractile effects in almost all concentrations compared with the responses to these peptides alone or after NOS synthase inhibition (both p < 0.01). This study demonstrated for the first time that extended incubation with a NO donor influences the uterine muscle response evoked by ET-1 and AVP. Both endogenous and exogenous NO is involved in the control of the uterine responses to ET-1 or AVP of non-pregnant myometrium. Furthermore, both peptides stimulate increased uterine contractility when the local imbalance between the constrictive and relaxing mediators takes place.

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