
The empowerment of young people through vocational education and training programmes helps them to compete with other job seekers in the labour market. Therefore, this chapter presents findings on the effectiveness of vocational skills training for unemployed youth. It is interesting to know that the companies hosting the training programmes played a double role in providing post-training support and graduates’ wage employment. Involving the companies or prospective employers from the training design, training delivery to evaluation phases has allowed them to contribute largely to the effectiveness of vocational training programmes for unemployed and disadvantaged youth. The vocational training programmes for unemployed youth had an impact on two main areas of the lives of the graduates. First, for those who found employment, there was an improved income in their household. Entering into the labour market gave them stability of life due to their stable salaries. Second, the impact was measured on improved household nutrition. There was a nutrition improvement in the households because of increased household income.

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