
This study aims to obtain interactive and innovative learning media. It is hoped that the use of this media can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, interests and attention of students so that the learning process can run well. This research is a type of development research or known as Research & Development. One of these development models that is in accordance with the development of multimedia-based learning media is the 4-D model. Student learning outcomes after using the Science practicum video based on a scientific approach to substance classification material and its changes in the acid-base video small group test obtained an average score of 91 with the criteria of "Very Good" meaning that the student's grades were better than before. Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that the increase in student learning test results in the science practicum video media based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes to the acid-base video from the small group trial increased by 0.70 in the range g ? 0.7, which can be classified as category "High". Meanwhile, student learning outcomes after using the science practicum video based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes in the small group test of the mixed separation video obtained an average score of 77 with the criterion "Good", meaning that the student's grades were better than before. Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that the increase in student learning test results in the science practicum video media based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes in the video separation of mixtures from small group trials has an increase of 0.63 included in the range g ? 0.7, which can be classified as category "Medium". Student learning outcomes after using the Science practicum video based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes in the acid-base video field test obtained an average score of 76.36 with the criterion "Good", meaning that the student's score is better than before. The increase in learning outcomes of science practicum video media based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes for acid-base video field tests is calculated using the gain score. The product of the development of science practicum video media based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes is a practicum video media that has been developed by taking into account learning aspects and media aspects as practicum media in learning. The product development research that has been carried out is directed at producing a practicum video media product based on a scientific approach to the topic of substance classification and its changes for seventh grade junior high school students which is effectively used to improve student learning outcomes.

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