
Introduction: Immunization coverage in Cipelah village, Rancabali sub-district Bandung Regency in the last 3 months has decreased. So that the immunization coverage rate is below the set target of 80% (UCI). This happens, among others, because the education and knowledge of mothers is lacking so that mothers consider that immunizing babies is not necessary, while immunization itself has a very important function, namely to increase immunity in infants.. Method: This research uses analytic quantitative method with quasy experimental design. The population in this study were first-day postpartum mothers in Cipelah Village, Rancabali District, while 36 sample to be used in this study was taken from the population using purposive sampling technique where each member of the population must meet the inclusion criteria to become a sample in this study. Data analysis used in this study is the Chi square test.. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing education on maternal behavior in providing immunization to infants in Cipelah Village, Rancabali District, Bandung Regency. Result: The results showed that the characteristics of the two groups were homogeneous, namely most of them were 20-35 years old, had 1-3 children, the last education was high school, and the respondents' work status was housewives. The statistical test results show a value of p=0.01 <0.05 which means that there is a relationship between the provision of education to postpartum mothers with the behavior of immunization in infants.. Conclusion: There is an influence between the provision of education on maternal behavior in providing immunization to infants.

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