
The relevance of the research topic. Numerous studies have stated that abnormal child development is always accompanied by motor function disorders and deficits in motor activity. The combination of sensory and motor deprivation causes extraordinary difficulties in the perception, assimilation, retention and reproduction of educational material, and also significantly complicates the life of a child with a disability. The purpose of the article is to determine the effectiveness of the author's technology aimed at the development of static and dynamic body balance of primary school children with hearing deprivation in the process of adaptive physical education. Matherial and Methods. The study involved 8 boys and 11 girls with hearing impairment aged 8 years, who were randomly divided into main groups (GG1, GG2) and control groups (CG1, CG2). The following research methods were used to accomplish the tasks: analysis of scientific literature, pedagogical experiment, stabilography. Mathematical and statistical processing and analysis of data were carried out using the computational and graphical capabilities of the application software packages "Statistica" (StatSoft, version 10.0) and Microsoft Excel 2010. Results. The results obtained during the formative experiment prove the positive influence of the means and methods of the author's technology on the indicators of steady- state body balance (in the Romberg test with open eyes) in girls of 8 years old with hearing impairment GG2the amplitude of oscillations of the total body mass centre (TBC) in the frontal plane of girls of GG2 statistically significantly improved (Т=0; Z=2.20; p=0.028); the amplitude of oscillations of TBC in the sagittal plane of girls of GG2 statistically significantly decreased (Т=0; Z=2.02; p=0.043); there was a statistically significant improvement in the length of the trajectory of the TBC in the frontal and sagittal planes (Т=0; Z=2.20; p=0.028); statistically significant increase in the assessment of the speed of TBC movement of the examined girls (Т=0; Z=2.20; p=0.028); also revealed a statistically significant difference in the indicators of the area of oscillations of the TBC after the experiment of girls of CG2 (T=0; Z=2.02; p=0.043) and girls of GG2 (T=0; Z=2.20; p=0.028); among boys with hearing impairment (GG1) there was a tendency to improve the indicators of steady-state body balance. Calculations were performed by applying the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test for dependent samples.

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