
Schema Therapy is a psychotherapy method that is increasingly popular in the psychological treatment of personality disorders. In this study, it was aimed to examine the academic studies published on the effectiveness of schema therapy in personality disorders and to evaluate the examined studies within the framework of certain criteria. In this systematic review, eleven (11) research articles were selected in accordance with the research criteria were examined. The findings obtained from the studies are presented under the titles of "Study ID, Type of Analysis, Personality Disorder Type, Assessment Tools, Findings, Conclusions". Studies conducted between 2011-2022 were included in the review. The sample of the studies included in the study consisted of cluster A, B and C personality disorders. In many studies, schema therapy clusters B and C have been found to be effective in treating personality disorders and reducing symptoms. However, in the literature, on the treatment of personality disorders is very limited in the literature. A large part of the studies is aimed at researching borderline personality disorder. For this reason, it is important for future studies to contribute to the literature on the effectiveness of schema therapy by considering other personality disorders besides borderline personality disorder in a larger clinical sample.

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