
This study aimed to examine the effects of the problem-solving to enhance effective coping skills and psychological adjustment among Iranian college students. The predictions of the present study were as follows: (a) Participants in a problem-solving program may perceive their problems to be resolved; (b) problem-solving training may increase active coping strategies; (c) after problem-solving training, scores on a psychological adjustment scale of participants in a problem-solving program may be increased. Eighty college students who reported low levels of approach coping responses and psychological adjustment were randomly allocated to either a problem-solving training group, or a non-training control group. Students in a problem-solving training group received problem-solving training for eight weeks. Their coping skills (approach and avoidance responses) and psychological adjustment evaluated on the first day and thirty days later in the program, were compared with those of a control group. The results showed that approach coping responses and psychological adjustment had increased after program for the training group. The results of this study suggest that self-appraised social problem solving ability is concerned with the way in which individuals perceive and cope with problems encountered in everyday life. These results may implicate for counseling and psychotherapy.

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